There have been numerous occasions in my life where alcohol has fueled drama among people I've accompanied to shows. I like to actually remember the concerts I go to, so I've learned to keep drinking to a minimum at live shows in recent years.
The Blaine County Sheriff's Office says one of their officers had to use a taser on a man who was in protective custody on Saturday and was able to get free from his handcuffs.
BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Law enforcement officers say a southwestern Idaho woman gave a teenage girl an IV instead of seeking medical attention after she passed out from drinking too much alcohol.
This story comes from England and the number seems really high . . . but it's possible it's true over here, too.
According to a new survey from Mashable, the average person is drunk in 76% of their tagged Facebook photos. That's three out of every four.
A naked man and some tennis balls sure caused a lot of racket in Auckland, New Zealand on Sunday.
According to, police arrested the unidentified man for walking around in his birthday suit while tossing tennis balls at cars as they zipped by.
Cell phones can do many things these days, but you'd be hard-pressed to find one that also satisfies your nicotine craving.
Britain's Sun newspaper reports a drunk driver in Russia pulled over by police tried to make a call with a pack of cigarettes he thought was a cell phone.
Cops pulled over the would-be Marlboro Man after noticing he was driving erratically. When they stopped his vehicle, the
Talk about a bizarre chain of events: Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage was arrested early Saturday morning in New Orleans on charges of public drunkenness, disturbing the peace and domestic abuse battery.
The arrest stemmed from an argument Cage had with his wife, Alice, about the location of the house they were renting.
According to a statement from the New Orleans Police Department, "Cage a