Boise, ID — Urgent recall notice: Vector Hi-Pro Plus dog food, a popular brand sold at various stores and locations in Idaho, including Boise and the...
A United States producer of frozen meat products that ships nationally has voluntarily recalled two and five pound packages of its product containing ground beef. Sample tests have shown traces of two potentially harmful forms of bacteria.
It's not exactly breaking news that bears will eat just about anything. But, there's somewhat recent video that shows a couple of family dogs getting big time ticked that a pair of grizzlies are eating their Kibbles 'N Bits.
Side effects of excess exposure of the vitamin to dogs could include vomiting, loss of appetite, dehydration and renal damage, according to the recent FDA release.
I love my dogs almost as much as I love my kids. I have a four year old Boston Terrier named Pig, and a twelve year old Dalmatian cross named Connor that live like kings at my house. We don't feed the boys table scraps, well, not very often, so we try to ensure they have good wet and dry dog dog food to keep them happy. But lately, due to inflation and the cost of fuel, we've seen the price of dog