Disney isn't new to sports partnerships. A few years ago, they went into a merchandise agreement with the NBA to create a unique Disney line of NBA team gear. They have similar deals with the NFL. Now, Disney and Boise State University seem to have struck a merchandise deal as well...
Southern Idaho weather always surprises me. Always! On Friday I was wearing my winter coat and boots and on Thursday it's predicated to be almost 80.
Over the weekend I was discussing summer outfits with a friend of mine. I know, thrilling...
Christmas morning is always crazy! Wrapping paper flying through the air, the sounds of new toys, laughing, playing, and singing. Those are a few things that probably happen in every house - but one thing that is different in each house is the dress code.
Every decade has had something positive when it comes to fashion (except for the 80's, I don't think any good fashion came out of the 80's), and a new study has given us the popular vote for the best decade. Also - in doing so they have also told us what decade had the worst fashion.
I may be the only one that does this, but I doubt it! From time to time I will buy an article of clothing, like a jacket, coat or even a pair of shoes, and I'll wear it for a few hours or around the house to make sure I like it. If I'm not 100% happy with it I will take it back to the store...
Ladies we all know that old, worn out, stained shirt in your husbands closet that you throw away and he digs out of the trash because it is his "favorite shirt".
Turns out, I am guilty of the same thing.
Have you ever bought clothes, kept the tags on them while you wore them out . . . then returned them? If you're a man, probably not. If you're a woman . . . yeah, there's a decent chance you have. Even though that's dirty.
According to a new survey, about one out of every eight women say yeah, they've bought some expensive clothes, worn them out, then returned them the next day.