It is spring and smoke is in the air, no not from wildfires, but from seasonal burning. The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality has sent out a reminder and tips on burning things such as yard waste and fields.
Do you still burn trash at home? I grew up taking the trash to burn barrels that were located at the back of our yard. Things have changed a little. Now burning your trash is illegal.
It's spring in Southern Idaho and for allergy sufferers the nightmare has just started. Stuffy noses, watery eyes, dry, itchy skin, itching, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, and wheezing are just some of the joys of the season. So what's causing our allergies to go haywire, and what can we do about it?
It's spring in Southern Idaho and for allergy sufferers the nightmare has just started. Stuffy noses, watery eyes, dry, itchy skin, itching, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, and wheezing are just some of the joys of the season.
So what's causing our allergies to go haywire, and what can we do about it?
It has been really hot lately and if you were at the Air Show over the weekend it was extremely hot. I noticed that some people were so hot that they thought it was neccesary to take off their shirts. I am not a fan of shirtless people in public places, but what are you gonna do?
I also noticed that those shirtless people didn't have sunscreen in certain key areas.
Over the weekend my husband and I went rafting. It was extremely hot so everyone made sure to apply sunscreen before they left the house. I put sunscreen on my kids and myself. I sent a bottle of sunscreen with my kids but didn't pack a bottle for my husband and I because I figured he put sunscreen on. He didn't! Which means he is the color of a cherry tomatoes today.
The missing USS Indianapolis, Dick Clark Dies At 82, and 7 Strange Things I Found For Sale on Twin Falls Craigslist. Here's what Terry was talking about last week.
As I headed home last night, I turned on to Highway 30 and started toward Buhl. Immediately I could see huge plumes of smoke that appeared to be coming from somewhere right outside of Twin, but as drove I found the smoke was actually emanating from Filer.
Several fields were on fire almost directly across from Filer High School, and smoke was choking the city of Filer.