SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Mormon church — the nation's largest sponsor of Boy Scout units — is keeping its longtime affiliation with the organization despite its decision to allow gay troop leaders.
The Boy Scouts are conducting their annual 'Scouting for Food' drive. All food collected will go to food banks right here in the Magic Valley. For your convenience, the Scouts dropped the bag on your door on Saturday the 11th. All you need to do is place canned food items in the bag and hang it on your door on Saturday, 4/18/15 and the Scouts will come collect them...
Join the Filer Boy Scouts for their 5th Annual Spook Alley. Held in the American Legion Hall Crematorium at 207 Main in Filer (For Hollow Minds, this is 2 blocks west of the Filer Fairgrounds.)
A sheriff in northern Idaho near Sandpoint is ending his department's charter with a Boy Scouts troop after the organization lifted its ban on gay members.
Each year the Boy Scouts of the Magic Valley and across the country orchestrate a food drive called Scouting For Food that is simple and helpful. Scouting For Food 2013 is this weekend.
Buy popcorn and get a great treat of delicious Trail's End popcorn - and you'll be helping fund the boy scouts program and their activities. And Join Nate Bird from our KOOL sister station tonight (Thursday) from 5:30 to 7:30pm at the Boy Scout offices on the corner of Falls and Hankins for the Boy Scouts Fall Popcorn Sale Kick-Off and the 50,000 point KOOL Klub Bonus Code!
I knew the Girl Scouts sold cookies. You knew the Girls Scouts sold cookies... But did you know the Boy Scouts of America sell popcorn and other treats to raise funds? I didn't. Which is why Paul with the Boy Scouts of America stopped by this morning...
Boy Scouts of America are teaming up with Rocket Car Wash and are going to be trying to break the world record for washing the most cars in a two day period. Stop by Rock Express on Blue Lakes on Monday the 11th and Tuesday the 10th from 7:00am to 9:00pm...