It's not easy to catch a sturgeon. Why? Well, there's the fact that they're a stubborn fish. Oh, and they can be rather large. They also sometimes prefer to actually be in the boat as a new video proves.
IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — Eastern Idaho authorities say a 4-year-old boy remains hospitalized after being trapped under a capsized boat in the Snake River for 15 to 20 minutes.
This is going to be fun to watch! Some will sink and some will float - but everybody will have fun. The Kapstone 2014 Great Cardboard Boat Float in Twin Falls is Saturday at Dierkes from 11a-2pm.
Looking for some free fun today? Gather the family, apply sunscreen, and get to the Southern Idaho Outdoor Adventure Show today at 1,000 Springs Resort in Hagerman! You can boat, kayak, paddle board, check out RV's, camping gear, and try the Idaho National Guard climbing wall for free!
Check out this amazing video from
It shows not one but seven consecutive lightning strikes in front of a fishing boat on Lake Athens in East Texas.