baby names

Jacob, Isabella Top Baby Names List for 2010
Jacob, Isabella Top Baby Names List for 2010
Jacob, Isabella Top Baby Names List for 2010
Jacob and Isabella topped the Social Security Administration's annual list of popular baby names, released Thursday. Yes, those are also the names of two main characters in a certain vampire-based romance saga. But before 'Twilight' fans get too cocky, realize that Edward came in at 136 among male baby names this year...
Top Names That Make You Most Likely To Be a CEO
Top Names That Make You Most Likely To Be a CEO
Top Names That Make You Most Likely To Be a CEO
Want your next child to grow up to be a CEO?  Or, are you wondering if you're CEO material?  Well . . . it could all be connected to your name. LinkedIn wanted to figure out which names are most commonly associated with being the CEO of a company, so they studied data from all their users . . . which is basically every businessperson in the world.