First of all, if you haven’t seen ‘Interstellar,’ well, this is your one and only warning that major spoilers lie ahead. We good? Let’s continue.
About three-fourths of the way through ‘Interstellar' -- a movie I mostly think is pretty good -- we finally meet a character that we’ve been hearing about for the entire movie, Dr. Mann.
As expected, Anne Hathaway won the Best Supporting Actress award at the 2013 Golden Globes for her performance in 'Les Miserables.' Does this mean she's a shoo-in for an Oscar win?
Is it possible to hate something and yet, at the same time, recognize its greatness? This is a heavy philosophical question and one that I'd like to discuss with you. Anything to get these insufferably catchy tunes from 'Les Miserables' out of my head.
Should Anne Hathaway‘s Catwoman get her own movie after ‘The Dark Knight Rises‘ success? Christopher Nolan is behind the idea and now Anne Hathaway has stepped in and supported the idea. With a condition…