You’re Basically Doomed In This Idaho Area; Says So In The Name
There are just some parts of this world you don't want to end up stranded in. A region in northern Idaho is so void of services and the conditions are so hopeless that the coordinates basically translate to "you're screwed."
We've all traveled somewhere and thought to ourselves, "My God, please don't let me break down here." This thought enters my mind often when traveling through Nevada on my way to California or Idaho. Nevada is child's play when it comes to a massive portion of the Gem State that lies between Missoula, Montana, and Grangeville, Idaho.
Numerous Internet searches on the area turned up nothing.

Talk about off-grid! About 170 miles northeast of Moscow (home to the University of Idaho) is an area that is home to Bad Luck Creek, which is a section of tributary. The local mountain's nickname is...you guessed it. Mount George (aka "Bad Luck Mountain) is probably a summit people should avoid.
Numerous Internet searches on the area turned up nothing. In fact, when I googled "Bad Luck Creek," the first thing that came up was a song called "Bad Luck" by a band named Creek. It's not a bad tune; I was happy to give the video its 35th view.
Private pilots fly over the area a lot because Shearer USFS Airstrip is located just northwest of Bad Luck Mountain. Not sure I'd bother pointing that landmark out to passengers if I were a pilot. Fishing on Bad Luck Creek sounds like a waste of time too.
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Gallery Credit: Credit N8