California Cop Who Locked Himself In Back Seat With Woman Resigns
A nine-month investigation into an incident involving a Southern California police officer has ended. The patrolman accidentally locked himself in the cage of his cruiser with a female he was transporting to jail and required a fellow cop to let him out.
Talk about your uncomfortable situations. The story of a San Diego police officer who parked in a random neighborhood at night, turned off his cruiser's lights, and climbed into the backseat with a female for more than an hour is being retold this week following the end of months of investigating, according to details shared by Fox 5 News. The incident with the female detainee initially took place on August 15, 2023.
We all have rough days on the job, but this is an example of a truly forgettable shift. If only people could let him forget.

As an officer of the law, I can't imagine a more embarrassing situation to get yourself into. Perhaps losing your gun is more humiliating, but not by much. The only thing that could make this story worse is if the officer was married. That's a tough explanation to navigate yourself through.
Footage of the entire incident has been released and is available online. A conversation can be heard between the officer and the female detainee prior to the predicament transpiring. The woman is heard making a verbal sexual advancement toward the policeman.
The most uncomfortable part of the video is when the other officer arrives on the scene. I've never seen someone move so quickly out of an automobile as the officer did when his co-worker opened the door.
We all have rough days on the job, but this is an example of a truly forgettable shift. If only people could let him forget.