Everyone In Twin Falls: Avoid Eastland And Falls Intersection
It has to be rough for the people that live in that area. The intersection of Eastland and Falls is officially closed to all traffic for the next four weeks. Expect a little more traffic around the surrounding streets.
The city approved construction of the intersection of Falls and Eastland and the complete shut down for four weeks. During that time they plan on redoing infrastructure and helping with drainage as well as repaving. After the initial four weeks of it being shut down, the next four weeks will be reduced to a single lane in each direction.
Sure it is inconvenient now but hopefully, this will really improve traffic in the area once it is complete. The goal was to have everything completed before school started so school buses and children didn't have to worry about how they would get to school.
Are you excited about the changes being made? Sure, no one wants to have to deal with a busy intersection being completely shut down but it is best in the long run.