Hey, Boomer here... My two listeners were interested in more information about me. After getting my bachelor's of music in Boston for bass guitar, I foolishly thought that playing both classic rock and jazz would get me accepted by both crowds. WRONG! But it's all good... I know that Miles Davis and Jim Morrison are holding hands and smiling somewhere. I worked a smattering of other jobs before radio including (and these are totally true): children's department leader, vending route owner, bookkeeper, and bass book author. When people asked me what I want to be when I grow up I said, "Kendra Wolfe's minimum wage bitch. BUT, then I want to be promoted to production bitch!" It totally. Came. True. My two dogs, Molly and George, deserve a sitcom based on the names alone. “One’s a free spirit, and the other’s all business. And when they get together… hoo-hee! You won’t want to miss it! Two And a Half Dogs... Tonight on TBS. Also, featuring Madea.” Three words to describe me: uncomfortable, sweaty, chess.