The Duran Group Powered by Re/MAX Legacy Hometown Hero award for the month of May is back and underway. We have three nominees that are absolutely amazing. Vote for who you think should be named the Duran Group Powered by Re/MAX Legacy Hometown Hero for the month of May.

Adele Moore

Credit: Duran Group Hometown Hero Nominator
Credit: Duran Group Hometown Hero Nominator

The nominator for Adele says she goes above and beyond for everyone in her life and her community. She is an administrator at an assisted living facility and she goes above and beyond for her son and his team in this community. After a resident unfortunately passes away she's still involved with the family members of that resident. She will cover a shift for any employee that is having a hard time and she'll work with them if life isn't going so great. She makes it work in the schedule so if an employee really needs a day off she'll be there for them. She attends the funerals of the residents that pass and she even still goes to dinner once a month with a family member of a resident that's passed or spouse of a resident that's passed away. She's the strongest woman I know. She's just got this great energy about her that she can keep going every day.

Harriman Randle

Credit: Duran Group Hometown Hero Nominator
Credit: Duran Group Hometown Hero Nominator

The nominator for Harriman says he is the pastor of the Overcomers church in Jerome. He has been asked to speak at various public meetings. He was recently asked to go to the opening prayer at the state capital in Boise. He coaches basketball for the youth. He is just always donating his time and effort. He is putting together a suicide awareness event in June at Jerome park, a very much-needed project. Besides being a pastor, he works at Agropur. He’s always sharing wherever he can. He does various marriages even for a couple that don’t go to our church.

Tiffany Eckles

Credit: Duran Group Hometown Hero Nominator
Credit: Duran Group Hometown Hero Nominator

The nominator for Tiffany says she helps people of all ages and she helps the youth who have lost parents with the organization Kids 2 Kids, a grief group. She helps young adults with their career choices at CSI, and she also helps senior citizens stay moving and fit with her aqua classes at the city pool. This world could use more people like her. Every year she does a superhero fairy day at the CSI challenge course to help raise pillows, blankets, and money for Kids Count Too.

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Make to sure to click on who you think should be the Duran Group Hometown Hero Powered by Re/MAX Legacy for the month of May. Click on their name above in the poll to vote for your favorite.

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