
Should Smokers Be Able to Take Smoke Breaks? [POLL]
Should Smokers Be Able to Take Smoke Breaks? [POLL]
Should Smokers Be Able to Take Smoke Breaks? [POLL]
Here's another reason to ostracize smokers. Their cigarettes get them a TON of extra time off.  Light smokers take about 18 minutes of smoke breaks a day, which adds up to the same as NINE extra "vacation" days a year. Heavy smokers can take up to an hour's worth of breaks a day that adds up to 29 full work days off, or almost six weeks...
Worst Excuses Why a Person Can’t Go to Work
Worst Excuses Why a Person Can’t Go to Work
Worst Excuses Why a Person Can’t Go to Work
A lot of people have been sick in our office this winter, some of them have worked through there sickness and others have been so sick that they haven't been able to come to work. I always try my best to come to work no matter what but if I have the flu I stay in bed...
76% of Us Wouldn’t Want Our Boss’s Job
76% of Us Wouldn’t Want Our Boss’s Job
76% of Us Wouldn’t Want Our Boss’s Job
What happened to our self-esteem, man?  Has our desire to cling to jobs in this economy made us forget that we're all smarter and more qualified than our bosses?  Because this ain't American right here.
The Six Most Annoying Work Habits That Can Get You Fired
The Six Most Annoying Work Habits That Can Get You Fired
The Six Most Annoying Work Habits That Can Get You Fired
The Six Most Annoying Work Habits That Can Get You Fired: People do annoying things all the time at work, and it usually doesn't get them fired.  But you definitely want to avoid doing the things on this list.  Here are the top six annoying things people do at work from
The Most Inappropriate Thing to Wear to the Office?
The Most Inappropriate Thing to Wear to the Office?
The Most Inappropriate Thing to Wear to the Office?
I love summer and one of the reasons I love summer is because I get to wear flip flops every where. Apparently I am not suppose to be wearing flip flops to work, which is a total bummer. According to a new survey from the staffing firm Adecco on Reuters, the most inappropriate thing to wear to the office during the summer is Flip-Flops. About 75% of Americans think it's okay to dress more casually
You Need To Take a Vacation Day Every 62 Days
You Need To Take a Vacation Day Every 62 Days
You Need To Take a Vacation Day Every 62 Days
Do you consider yourself lazy? The stereotypes say we're lazy, but Americans are NOT good at taking vacation days.  But according to a new study from Metro , even if you don't take a lot of actual vacations . . . you really do need to take a day off every few months...
Facebook Is Costing Your Company $10,790 Per Year
Facebook Is Costing Your Company $10,790 Per Year
Facebook Is Costing Your Company $10,790 Per Year
I check my Facebook before I check my's true. If you are the same way, you might want to know that because of our obsession with Facebook it is KILLING AMERICAN BUSINESS. According to a new survey by Arizona Republic, the average employee's social networking costs their company $10,790 a year in lost productivity...
Getting Along With Your Coworkers Prolongs Your Life?
Getting Along With Your Coworkers Prolongs Your Life?
Getting Along With Your Coworkers Prolongs Your Life?
Maybe you don't like being social with your co-workers becasue you figure that spending 40 hours a week with them is enough but maybe you should becasue it could save your life. According to a 10-year-long study from Mediabistro out of Tel Aviv University, people who got along well with their coworkers were HEALTHIER and LIVED LONGER than people who disliked thier co-workers.
Nap Time At Work
Nap Time At Work
Nap Time At Work
With air traffic controllers falling asleep at the job on what feels like a daily basis, the old subject of WORK NAPS is getting attention again. So how have companies responded?  Last year, about 5% of companies in the U.S. said they provide NAP ROOMS for employees.  And this year, in the wake of all that air traffic controller press, that number has gone up . . . to 6%.
28% of Americans Think We Have Too Many Holidays Off
28% of Americans Think We Have Too Many Holidays Off
28% of Americans Think We Have Too Many Holidays Off
There's a good chance that you’re working today.  On President's Day. But according to a new survey from Rasmussen Reports . . . about one out of four of you are totally cool with heading in to work today, while other people are sleeping late or sitting at home eating three bags of Cheetos...