
'Rain-Delays' For Kids?
'Rain-Delays' For Kids?
'Rain-Delays' For Kids?
Over the weekend a lot of local sporting events were canceled or re-scheduled due to the rain, wind and low temperatures.But should they have been cancelled?
What Did You Lose In The Wind?
What Did You Lose In The Wind?
What Did You Lose In The Wind?
A LOT happened yesterday due to the extreme wind storm we experienced in southern Idaho. We saw everything from semi-trucks blowing over on both the Perrine Bridge and the Hanson Bridge.
Flies VS Snow
Flies VS Snow
Flies VS Snow
We've been seeing higher temperatures, rain and a little bit of sunshine in Southern Idaho. Spring is just a few days away (16 days away to be exact but, whose counting?).
Avalanche Warning
Avalanche Warning
Avalanche Warning
Many Twin Falls residences have been going to Sun Valley to snowboard and ski because Pomerelle has been the only mountain open until  last weekend when Magic Mountain opened. If you do go to Sun Valley to ski beware there have been Avalanche warnings. According to The Times-News, high winds and snowfall over the weekend have created avalanche conditions in the Sun Valley area. The Sawtooth Avalan
How Cold is it?  Watch How Fast This Water Freezes In The Polar Vortex
How Cold is it? Watch How Fast This Water Freezes In The Polar Vortex
How Cold is it? Watch How Fast This Water Freezes In The Polar Vortex
Just how cold is it where we're experiencing the polar vortex? Watch how fast this this water freezes in Chicago and you get a pretty good idea. Here are some other random facts about just how cold it really is throughout the country It's so cold you could warm up in Siberia is warmer ... Read More ...
Cold Weather
Cold Weather
Cold Weather
It's cold outside! So cold that most people will do everything in their power to stay inside especially when they wake up to -3 temperatures.
Area School Closures
Area School Closures
Area School Closures
Extreme low temperatures have hit The Magic Valley this morning. Some area school buses were unable to start this morning due to the low temperatures causing some school districts have decided to cancel school this morning.
What a Crazy Storm!
What a Crazy Storm!
What a Crazy Storm!
Idaho weather continues to shock me and I have lived in Idaho most of my life. Yesterday it was sunny and 90 degrees and THEN...we saw buckets of rain, hail, wind and lighting. A lot of people had property damaged, trampolines that became kites and some peoples basements became flooded...

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