september 11

9/11 Note Given To Victims Wife Ten Years Later
9/11 Note Given To Victims Wife Ten Years Later
9/11 Note Given To Victims Wife Ten Years Later
This is pretty chilling.  According to FOX News, a man named Randy Scott was trapped inside the World Trade Center on 9/11, and before he died, he wrote a note to get help and threw it out an open window.  It said, quote, "84th floor.  West office.  12 people trapped."
11 Years Ago [POLL]
11 Years Ago [POLL]
11 Years Ago [POLL]
Every year on September 11th I don't expect to be so sad, but at some point throughout the day I find myself holding back the tears. Every year I wonder how the family members of the victims are dealing with their loss. And like you,
11 Years Since 9/11
11 Years Since 9/11
11 Years Since 9/11
It's been eleven years since those tragic events on September 11th, 2001 claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 men, women, and children, and changed our lives.