
New Park in Twin
New Park in Twin
New Park in Twin
The changes in downtown Twin Falls have been exciting for all Twin Falls residents in the past year. Buildings that have sat empty for years are being restored and opened to the public. Yesterday Twin Falls received even more good news. Plans to build a pocket park in downtown Twin Falls are moving forward. The new park will be located across the street from the Glanbia corporate office.
Tony Hawk is Helping Fund the Jerome Skate Park
Tony Hawk is Helping Fund the Jerome Skate Park
Tony Hawk is Helping Fund the Jerome Skate Park
Tony Hawk has awarded the Jerome Skate Park Coalition $5,000! The Tony Hawk Foundation is challenging others to match their contribution. The Foundation indicated that Tony Hawk is personally reviewing the Jerome skate park design and will be including any recommended changes with the grant paperwork...
Twin Falls City Parks
Twin Falls City Parks
Twin Falls City Parks
Summer weekends are about spending time with friends and family outdoors. Twin Falls parks are a big part of our summer. It is rare if we have a summer weekend that doesn't involve going to a park in Twin. Some parks are better than others. Here is a full list of Twin Falls area parks. Hopefully, you can visit each park this summer to find your families favorite!
The Search for the Perfect Dog Park Site in Twin Falls Continues
The Search for the Perfect Dog Park Site in Twin Falls Continues
The Search for the Perfect Dog Park Site in Twin Falls Continues
The Magic Valley Canine Social Club's proposal to put a dog park in the Oregon Trail Youth Complex was denied by the Parks and Recreation Department on Tuesday; however, the board was very positive about having a dog park in Twin Falls. The only question is, where to put it?