
Jackpot Slaying Victim’s Van Found In Utah
Jackpot Slaying Victim’s Van Found In Utah
Jackpot Slaying Victim’s Van Found In Utah
JACKPOT, Nev. (AP/KTVB) -- Investigators are testing blood evidence found in a van that belonged to a 26-year-old Mexican man whose body was found in February off a dirt road near the Nevada-Idaho border town of Jackpot.
What Crazy Things Has Your Husband Built?
What Crazy Things Has Your Husband Built?
What Crazy Things Has Your Husband Built?
Over the weekend my husband was busy sawing, gluing and making trips to Home Depot. I knew he was either building something or re-building something. I was just praying it wasn't the lawn mower. The last time he did something like this my sons battery operated car was re-wired to go 15 miles an hour...