2014 Winter Olympics
2014 Winter Olympics
2014 Winter Olympics
27 days until the Winter Olympics begin! Are you excited? I am thrilled...these athletes have dedicated their entire lives to their sport. Their dedication and abilities are motivating, but at the same time the games make me feel like the biggest slacker in the world. There is a better chance of me winning the lottery than accomplishing something half as cool as being in the Olympics. I might be a
Will 2014 Be Better?
Will 2014 Be Better?
Will 2014 Be Better?
This might be the ultimate test of whether you're an optimist or a pessimist.  How do you think 2014 is going to go for you? I would like to think that most of us would want 2014 to go better than 2013, but maybe 2013 was amazing! According to Newsfactor 49% of people say they believe things will go BETTER for them this year than last year.