Next-gen console gamers are going to wait just a little while longer to play as our favorite cephalopod posing as a family man.

Unfortunately, Octodad: Dadliest Catch, the sequel to the critically acclaimed sleeper hit, Octodad, has been pushed back in a statement coming from Octodad's official Twitter. Octodad: Dadliest Catch was originally intended for a March release, but it looks as though we're going to have to wait just one more month in order to continue helping our main squid fit into suburbia.

The first Octodad title was genuinely well-received by the masses, especially in regards to its slapstick humor, comedic style and over-the-top storyline. An interesting thing about the original Octodad's development was that it was created by 18 students at DePaul University a few years ago and was originally meant to just be a huge joke made by a group of amateur programmers. This joke eventually took on a life of its own and the hilarity kept piling up as the students made one of the top indie games of 2010. After graduating, eight of these students have gone on to form the development team Young Horses, who released Octodad: Dadliest Catch just a few weeks ago for PC.

It would seem that these 8 DePaul graduates are also seeking to expand their territory. The Octodad Twitter page has recently answered a fan's question in regards to an Xbox One version of Octodad: Dadliest Catch. A Young Horses representative stated on the page that they are "thinking about it."

Octodad: Dadliest Catch is currently priced at $14.99 for PC. Stay tuned as we will keep you updated in regards to Dadliest Catch's PS4 debut and whether or not Young Horses will decide to officially send Octodad to the Xbox One.

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