October 14, 2012

Additional Information

This Halloween, Count Dracula is not the only one who needs your blood. The American Red Cross wants you too! Regular blood donations are needed to maintain a safe and adequate blood supply for patients in our local hospitals. Give Count Dracula the boot and instead help make a difference to someone in need! TWIN FALLS COMMUNITY BLOOD DRIVE CHURCH OF ASCENSION 371 EASTLAND DR. (next to soccer fields) MONDAY, OCTOBER 15 1-7PM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 NOON-6PM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 9AM-1PM CALL SHARLA WARREN @ 734-4566 FOR APPT. Why donate blood? *your one donation can save three lives *an important service to your community *a mini physical *know your blood type *very easy and rewarding *most of us will need blood at some point in our lives *juice & cookies! *250 units (pints) needed in Idaho on a daily basis-the Red Cross climbs a mountain to maintain an adequate blood supply *WHO CAN DONATE? – 16 with a Red Cross parental permission slip-17 and older without and in general good health *DOES IT HURT!? A little one second pinch! Very simple-Dracula hurts more!J *we are going to test the blood for DISEASES only….West Nile, Aids, Hepatitis, etc. Questions about eligibility? Call our Donor Health Counselor 1-866-236-3276 JOIN IN GIVING THE GIFT OF LIFE!