
Activate Magic Valley Wants To Get You Movin Saturday
Activate Magic Valley Wants To Get You Movin Saturday
Activate Magic Valley Wants To Get You Movin Saturday
If you have a New Year's resolution that you're swearing you're gonna keep this year, Saturday will be a good day for you. Activate Magic Valley is presenting "Get Movin' Day" this Saturday, January 9 from 10 am until 2 pm at the tennis courts at the "E" street YMCA.
Idaho's Safe Haven Law
Idaho's Safe Haven Law
Idaho's Safe Haven Law
The tragic death of a newborn baby girl being left at the side of the road in Twin Falls didn't have to happen. Idaho's Safe Haven law is designed to give every newborn child a chance. Here are details of exactly what the Safe Haven law is and what it can provide both the parent and the newborn.
How Often Do You Brush Your Teeth?
How Often Do You Brush Your Teeth?
How Often Do You Brush Your Teeth?
I'll be the first to admit that I don't always curl my hair before I leave my house, but I always brush my teeth. That is why I was shocked when I read that 23% of people have gone at least two days in a row without brushing their teeth in the past year. According to yahoo and the professionals at NYU's dental school, here's what happens if you don't brush for two days, a week, and five YEARS. Rea
Burning Calories
Burning Calories
Burning Calories
I hate to talk about how to lose weight this time of the year. This is the time of year for turkey, gravy, rolls and more gravy....right?I don't want to talk about a "diet" until January 1st. In case you are trying to lose weight around during the holidays here are seven foods and how long you would need to walk to burn them off according to thrillist :
Should Smoking Be Banned?
Should Smoking Be Banned?
Should Smoking Be Banned?
Five years ago the city of Twin Falls passed a policy that banned smoking within 50 feet of playground equipment, picnic tables, shelters and bleachers.
10 Pink Products That Can Actually Help Fight Breast Cancer
10 Pink Products That Can Actually Help Fight Breast Cancer
10 Pink Products That Can Actually Help Fight Breast Cancer
When it comes to the fight against breast cancer, not all pinks are equal. As we become more aware of the “pinkwashing” of America, we know that buying something in a shade of pink isn't necessarily doing anything to help the fight against breast cancer -- and some products can actually hinder it. That's why, as we spend our October supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month, getting the word out and doing our individual best to fund the cause as we see fit, we need to make sure we're supporting the fight well. (And of course, looking good while doing it -- that's also nice.)
Halloween Dental Tips
Halloween Dental Tips
Halloween Dental Tips
Every child looks forward to devouring a bag of candy on Halloween. Every parent is worried all that Halloween candy will cause an awful trip to the dentist. According to Journal Star there are three tips that could save your child's teeth this Halloween. These tips might be hard to follow but it's worth a shot.
52 weeks of Parental Leave?
52 weeks of Parental Leave?
52 weeks of Parental Leave?
I truly believe that taking time off when your children are born is extremely important to the well being of your child. Newborn children require a lot of love and care. Plus, the bond developed between parents and children is put into place in the first 3 years of a child's life.

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