The Magic Valley is full of cool things to see, beautiful places to visit, and fun things to do. But, if you live anywhere too long you start to take the beauty for granted. I know people from Twin Falls who haven't been to see the Shoshone Falls for a few years or gone to the Perrine Bridge recently. Some of these people are the same who complain that there is nothing to do in The Magic Valley. Those people are wrong and should get out of their houses and enjoy the gifts we have here in Southern Idaho.

You may still be stumped about what you should go see or do. Let's look at what draws tourists to the area and roll with that. There is a reason people pack up their families and travel from other states to see our tourist attractions.

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    Shoshone Falls

    Let's start with the obvious - go check out the Shoshone Falls. The flows are really good right now and will stay that way for a while. Don't just look at the falls though, adventure a little bit. Go out on the walkway over the Shoshone Falls and feel the mist on your face. Go visit Dierkes and walk around to the Hidden Lakes. Have you ever been to the boat launch area above the Shoshone Falls? Go see that and climb around on the rocks to the East.

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    The Perrine Bridge

    The Perrine Bridge is really an awesome tourist attraction. I remember the first time we drove across and being stunned at the size of the bridge and the view down into the canyon. I'm afraid of heights, but you really need to walk out to the middle of the bridge at least once in your life. Try to visit the Perrine Bridge when BASE jumpers are out.

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    Evel Knievel Jump Site

    Visit the Evel Knievel jump site. There is a new trail to get you there and if you climb to the top of the jump site you can look across the canyon to really get a good feel for how far he tried to jump.

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    Visit a Hot Springs

    Enjoy a soak in the warm waters of Hagerman. Between Miracle Hot Springs, Banbury, and Thousand Springs, there is plenty of hot water to relax in.

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    Kayak the Snake River

    You can get a good and easy kayak trip at Centennial Park and head towards the Perrine Bridge or venture farther to Pillar Falls. You can do some fun kayaking in Hagerman too at Ritter Island. Other nice kayak locations are Dierkes and the Twin Falls Power plant boating area.

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    City of Rocks

    City of Rocks is a big tourist draw. If you have never been or haven't been recently, go visit again. You can take it easy and just hike around or you can get adventurous and go rock climbing.

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    Go BASE Jumping

    Really, if you are bored with the other things to do then you need something to jump-start your heart and I think falling a few hundred feet would do just that.

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